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Hoosic Valley Athletic Association

Hoosic Valley Athletic Association

Constitution & By-Laws

The Hoosic Valley Athletic Association is governed by a collection of Officers following a Charter dictated by the following By-Laws that are reviewed annually in the January Meeting. Any changes are proposed and reviewed, with voting for amendment in the February meeting.  For the entire current By-Laws document, please click the 'More' button below.



A)The name of this organization is the Hoosic Valley Athletic Association Inc., as incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. It is a non-profit organization.This Constitution is effective as of March 27, 1977.

A)The purpose of this organization is to operate solely to provide supervised athletic programs to the youth of the community, thereby developing the character of our youth and aiding in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

A)No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or the distribution to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payment and distributions in furtherance of its purposes.

A)In the event the organization dissolves, after paying or making provision for payment of any outstanding liabilities, all remaining assets will be distributed exclusively for one or more of the purposes set forth in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any United States Internal Revenue law.

A)PLAYER: Anyone meeting requirements of age and residence as set forth in the bylaws of the HVAA.
B)NON-PLAYER: Any person expressing an interest in the HVAA is eligible to become a member of the organization (free membership).

A)No dues are required.

A)Election of officers for the upcoming year will be held at the October meeting. Officers must be elected by a majority of eligible voters present by paper ballot. The elected officer will serve their term from January 1st to December 31st of the following calendar year with the exception of the CYO basketball coordinator, who will take office immediately following elections.03.13.08 (1)

B)PRESIDENT:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall serve as the presiding officer at all HVAA monthly meetings with the exception of Special Committee meetings.3) Shall be kept and shall keep him/herself informed of association activities, policies, plans, regulations and changes within the organization and, in turn, inform members of the aforementioned.4) Shall choose the best-qualified individuals for performing designated functions in the organization such as specialists, committee chairmen and so forth.5) Shall schedule regular meetings. Call special meetings necessary to solve special problems.6) Shall approve disbursement of money in accordance with established financial policy.7) Shall act as a final authority in matters of discipline of players and act as the final authority of reprimand of adult content within the framework and legal limits of the HVAA.8) Shall strictly abide by and enforce these bylaws of the HVAA.9) Shall act as a central agent for the integration of all specialized functions to the end that local objectives and goals are met.10) Shall enthusiastically support all social functions of the HVAA. 07.12.07

C)VICE-PRESIDENT:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of the Association President.3) Shall serve asa functional specialist, other than a game umpire, referee or manager, when appointed by the Association President.

D)RECORDING SECRETARY:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall permanently record and maintain the minutes of all meetings.3) Shall perform general stenographic duties in regard to all activities, when so requested by the president.4) Shall be prepared at each meeting to read the minutes of the previous meeting.

E)CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall notify each member of the date of meeting and general topic of business, which will come before those at the meeting, when so requested by the president.3) Shall, when requested by the Specialist-Promotion, do stenographic work pertaining to publicity, solicitation or other promotion correspondence.

F)TREASURER:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall maintain all financial records of the HVAA.3) Shall perform all clerical functions relative to the accounting of money of the HVAA consistent with the financial policy established by the Specialist-Finance and approved by the officers of the HVAA.4) Shall perform all banking functions of the HVAA including the depositing of money and disbursements in a timely, businesslike manner.5) Shall prepare and submit monthly statements at the HVAA’s monthly meetings.Statements must include balance on hand at the start of the month, transactions during the month and the balance on hand at the end of the month.6) Shall secure necessary approvals before disbursing funds.

G)ASSISTANT TREASURER:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall assume the duties of the treasurer in the absence of the treasurer.

H)PURCHASING AGENT:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) Shall be the presiding officer of the purchasing committee and assure the best value of all HVAA purchases.3) Any purchases not directed thru the purchasing agent will be the fiscal responsibility of the purchaser.

1) Elected into office at the October meeting.
2) Set up the date(s), time(s) and place(s) to register the players before their season starts.
3) Contact volunteers to assist on scheduled registration dates.
4) Conduct annual registration event as follows:
·to take all registrants’ paperwork, check for errors, and make appropriate number of copies.
·divide copies by sports and sports by age groups.
·give appropriate copies to division coordinators.
·create a volunteer list from the registration paperwork, and supply it to committees and individuals who need such information.
5) Being the sole individual to accept late registration, no one can play or practice without registering with the registration chair.
6) ArticlesI2 – I4 may be done solely by the registration chairperson or by a committee that this chairperson forms.10.11.07

J)SNACK BAR COORDINATOR:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) to search out, purchase at the best prices, and stock the snack food, drink and operating supplies for the SB.3) to find and train a group of KEY assistance that can supervise the SB on any given night.4) to make a season schedule of nights for these KEY people to run the SB.5) to make a schedule for each team to supply a parent to help work in the SB.6) to keep a ledger of monies in and monies out of the SB.7) to take extreme care of the SB monies.8) to clean the SB before each season begins and keep it clean during the season.9) to assist the picnic chairperson in finding supervisors to cook at the annual picnic.10) to compensate the house league umpires with pay (according to assigned pay scale) and dinner consisting of a hotdog, hamburger or cheeseburger, and a soda, water or Gatorade.11) to pay the travel softball and travel baseball umpires or supply the coordinators with monies to pay their umpires themselves.12) Articles J2 – J11 may be done solely by the snack bar coordinator or by a committee that this coordinator forms.10.11.07

K)PICNIC CHAIRPERSON:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) to work with and assist the snack bar coordinator to ensure there will be enough food for the event.3) to work with coaches and volunteer parents to supervise the games of fun played at the event.4) to work with the purchasing agent to secure prizes that will be awarded to children by raffle drawing.5) to work with the trophy committee to insure the trophies are ordered at least 4 weeks in advance and will be ready when needed at the event.6) to set up a group of volunteer parents to work in the SB cooking and serving the attendees (the snack bar coordinator will assist in the duty).7) Articles K2 – K6 may be done solely by the Picnic chairperson or by a committee that this chairperson forms. 10.11.07

L)PARADE CHAIRPERSON:1) Elected into office at the October meeting.2) shall be the primary person to contact the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department by letter “to assist with Route 67 traffic” on the morning of the parade.Letter shall be written 4-6 weeks prior to opening day.3) shall be primary person to contact the Valley Falls Fire Dept. to assist with the parade.4) shall provide all coordinators with the opening day parade information.5) shall contact and organize parade participants (players will be notified by their coaches).6) shall be responsible for the care of the HVAA Banner.7) shall make sure the banner is displayed at the front of the parade.8) shall make sure the players line up in the proper locations.9) shall make sure the parade starts at 10:00am.10.11.07

M)The Association, no later than January 1st of the new fiscal year, is able to reconsider individuals elected into office for any and all positions on the ballot, however, any previous elected position to be overturned by said re-vote must be by unanimous vote of the Association members present at that time.In addition it must be advertised to all the voting members at least 2 weeks prior to the vote.10.21.06

N)All nominations for offices are to be made in September, one month prior to the vote in October.Note: nominations should be refused at least 2 weeks prior to the election.10.21.06

A)There may be a time when it is not in the Association’s best interest to continue with a certain person in an elected position.The reasons could be many and every effort should be made to come to some mutual agreement.This is not something that should be taken lightly, and all parties involved should do their best to settle any disagreements before it reaches this point.
If an agreement cannot be reached these are the procedures that must be followed.Only a voting member in good standing can bring forth the following:
1) A “Motion to Dismiss” notice must be sent to the President outlining the reasons.This notice must be signed by two voting members in good standing.
2) The President is to share it with the person being targeted for removal.Discussion is necessary between the President and any others he assigns to act as mediators to come to an agreement between the parties and to get the two members to withdraw their Motion to dismiss notice.
3) If an agreement still cannot be reached the President shall read the Motion to Dismiss at the next meeting (regular or special) where it shall then be debated.A vote will then take place and a super majority of 2/3 must be achieved in order to grant the Motion to Dismiss and remove the person from their elected position.Absent members may vote by proxy directly to the President.02.14.13

A)The coordinators of each house sport (baseball, softball, soccer etc.) can pick their own assistant coordinators.They shall also pick the coaches needed for their division but must follow the guidelines provided by Articles 17A, B and E.07.12.07

A)HVAA monthly meetings will be held on the second Thursday of every month.Meeting time and location will be announced in advance (no later then the previous meeting) by the association president.02.14.08
B)Only members who have attended 6 meetings in the last 12 months are eligible voters.These 6 meetings cannot include special committee meetings. 02.14.13
C)Even if the meeting is held at a smoking establishment, smoking is not allowed at an HVAA meeting.
D)In cases where a quick HVAA governing body decision is needed, the President must call an emergency meeting of all current voting members. The decision will be made by the majority of those in attendance, one of which must be the President or his/her designee.08.13.09

A)REGISTRATION COMMITTEE:Working under the direct guidance of the Registration Chairperson, their job is to set up the date(s), time(s) and place(s) to register the players before their season starts.Post registration duties include:
1)to take all registrants’ paperwork, check for errors, and make appropriate number of copies.
2)divide copies by sports and sports by age groups.
3)give appropriate copies to division coordinators.
4)create a volunteer list from the registration paperwork and supply it to committees and individuals who need such information.
B) PURCHASING COMMITTEE:Their job is to purchase all the equipment at the best value as ordered by the association president.No equipment may be ordered or purchased without the approval of the purchasing agent.
C)GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE:The Grievance Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Member-at-Large.If any member of the Committee feels as though they need to recuse themselves the President can name a voting member in good standing to take their place. If the President feels he must recuse him or herself from the process the Vice President will assume these duties.All decisions of the Grievance Committee are final.02.14.13

A)1)Meeting called to order by the HVAA President
2)Reading of the minutes from the last meeting
3)Treasurer’s report
4)Coordinators’ report
5)Special committee reports
6)Old business
7)New business
8)Move to adjourn
A)This Constitution and By-Laws, or any part thereof, may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of eligible voting members in attendance at a scheduled meeting, however, written notice of such proposed changes and written notice of the time and place of such meeting at which such proposed changes shall be submitted to a vote, must be mailed by the correspondence secretary to each eligible voting member at least four days prior to such meeting.This advanced notice is not necessary if all eligible voters are present at the meeting at which the ratification is proposed.

A)Registration fees:House baseball$50
House softball$50
House soccer$50
Family limit$200
Travel baseball determined annually*
Travel softball determined annually*
Travel soccer determined annually*
CYO Basketball determined annually*
Uniform determined annually*
* Leaving no financial burden on the HVAA02.14.13
Football: became independent 12/31/03
B)If any house teams are reaching their capacity, children who live in the HVAA school district will have first priority to compete over children who live outside of our district.Out of district children may have to be told that the teams are full and their registration money will be refunded.07.12.07
C)Children cannot begin practice/play unless the registration form has been completed and returned, with fee, to the registration chairperson.
D)A family that did not fulfill their registration obligations will not be allowed to participate the following year.
E)The HVAA will assess a $20 fee for all returned checks.
F)Children who are registered after the designated registration dates may be put on a waiting list.
G)A 50% discount for house sports will be given to all families who register at the designated registration dates.02.12.04
H)The HVAA will consider financial hardship on a case-by-case basis.These decisions should be made by the hardship’s contact person, the association president, treasurer and registration chairperson at a closed-door meeting in order to protect the identity of those involved.
I)Registration fees are non-refundable for a child who starts a season (either practice or games) and quits his/her team.The association president, vice-president, treasurer and registration chairperson will consider other refund requests.

A)House sports age brackets shall be:6 & under, 8 & under, 10 & under and 13 & under.
B)CYO basketball participants must try-out at their own grade level.
C)All players must have attained the age of four (4) years by the cutoff date established at the time of HVAA registration, and the parent or guardian of any player who has yet to attain the age of five (5) years old by the age cut-off date established at the time of HVAA registration is required to serve as an on-field assistant to the team, with duties that may include coaching.If such parent or guardian fails to participate as prescribed, the child will not be permitted to play.02.10.09

A)Due to the high cost of insurance and because most people carry their own hospitalization insurance, the HVAA will not carry any insurance on any participants.Each family shall be responsible for their own child’s health care.

A)Once a rule is made before the season starts, it cannot be changed until the season has ended.
B) A child’s age as of April 30th is the age group he/she will play in the house league for that calendar year.07.12.07
C)No player may play without wearing the complete HVAA supplied uniform.Uniforms must be worn properly, hats on facing forward, shirts on as intended, etc.
D)In house ball, six innings in one week is all any boy may pitch.A week runs from Monday to Sunday.07.12.07
E)In house ball, girls’ softball allows windmill pitching.Minor girls can only pitch 3 innings per game.Major girls can only pitch 9 innings per week.A week runs from Monday to Sunday.07.12.07
F)13-year-old boys may pitch in the majors if ALL major league coaches fully agree that it will not compromise the leagues’ balance.
G)A parent, guardian, or responsible adult must accompany any child, during all games and practices. 02.14.13
H)No one may use any tobacco products on the athletic fields.
I)All T-Ball players must hit off the tee.Coach pitching is not an option at the T-Ball level.Tee batting is intended to develop good hitting mechanics.
J) No player on any HVAA team shall engage in fighting with any other HVAA player of opponent at any HVAA-organized event. All coaches are required to report witnessing such behavior to the Board.
If a coach reports an incident of a player fighting to the Board, or if a complaint is made to the Board about player fighting that is found by the Boards to be substantiated, the player or players found to be engaged in fighting shall be barred from playing as part of his or her team in the subsequent two (2) games and, if playing a game at the time of the incident, the remainder of that game. Such players also may be required to, or prohibited from, suiting up or sitting with his or her team during the time of suspension, subject to the discretion of the player's coach. Additional sanctions and/or remedial actions such as: the issuance of formal apologies, group discussions with the involved players and their parents, etc., may also be imposed at the discretion of the coach. 08.13.09
A)The chain of command for any grievance should start with the parties who are having the grievance (coach and parent).If a mutually agreeable solution cannot be determined it should be brought to the next level (coordinator).If a mutual agreement still cannot be reached it should be brought to the Grievance Committee.All decisions of the Grievance Committee are final.02.14.13

Which includes ARTICLE 17J08.13.09
A)No minor may be listed as a head coach of any HVAA team.He/she may be listed as an assistant coach but only with board approval. (Head coach must be present at all practices and games when the assistant is a minor)
B)The elected Division Coordinator must use the following criteria in this order when selecting head coaches:
1) Returning head coaches must be selected to head coach again unless there are extraordinary circumstances to deny their selection.
2) Returning asst. coaches from this level and head coaches from a lower level moving up get equal consideration from the coordinator.
3)Asst. coaches moving up get priority over those who didn’t coach or asst. coach in the previous year.
The non-selection of any individual to coach can be appealed to the FULL HVAA BOARD.If the full board cannot be convened, then the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary will make the final decision.A vote will be taken by the President of the HVAA.That decision will be final.03.09.06
Following the criteria above, the Division Coordinator will select one head coach for each team in the division.These head coaches may pick their assistant coach after the teams have been picked.Their assistant coach(es) does (do) not have to be related to any of the ball players on their team and may also be a minor as long as the criteria in Article 17a is followed.Please note that Article 17b 1-3 does not pertain to assistant coaches.02.14.08
C) Mandatory tryouts for all. It is the HVAA policy that teams will be built equally from the draft, based on tryouts. The procedure is as follows: 1) Tryouts where the player will be rated on pitching, catching, hitting, and throwing. 2) Coaches will begin building teams starting with pitchers, catchers, etc… deemed essential for each league.
D)A parent, guardian or responsible adult must accompany any child, during all games and practices.02.14.13
E)The coach of the winning team, in each division, has first refusal to be head coach of the all-star team. If coach refuses, the division coordinator will find a head coach.
F)It shall be the Majors Coordinators’ responsibility to assign an Umpire Coordinator.The Umpire coordinator shall be responsible to train HVAA youth to be umpires for Majors and Minors games.The Majors coordinators may elect to fulfill these duties themselves.Duties include training, assigning games and monitoring the umpires throughout the season.

A)The HVAA will pay $600 for tournament play for any select team, whether it is baseball, softball, or soccer. Each HOUSE age division (8u, 10u & 12u) may select one team per season. If this $600 affords them 3 tournaments, that is great. If this $600 doesn’t fully pay for one tournament, they must finance the remaining fees themselves.03.14.13
B)Any ballplayer, regardless of what age level he or she played at during the regular season, is obligated to play and practice in his or her own age all-star group before they may consider playing in the upper level.
C)Traveling HVAA children may not be transported by a minor.

A)Travel soccer teams must be selected by ability, endurance, and skills, not by age.
B)Traveling HVAA children may not be transported by a minor.

A)The HVAA has scheduling priorities on all the HVAA properties.03.13.03

A)Golf cart, Lawn Tractors and Riding Mowers are to be driven only by those who possess a driver’s license.
B)Batting cages are to be shared when others are waiting.First team to get to them may have their pick of which cage(s) they will use.If a second team also wants to use the cages, the first team must give up one of the three cages.If a third team also wants to use to use the cages, the first team must give up a second cage.The team at the cages the longest would be allowed the open cage should a team leave and give one up.
C)Tools: If you want to take it home – ask first.If you borrow it – return it.If you dirty it – clean it.If you break it – repair it.If you destroy it – replace it.02.14.13

Contact Us

Hoosic Valley Athletic Association

P.O. Box 281 
Valley Falls, New York 12185

Email Us: [email protected]
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